Wednesday 29 March 2023

Retreat West newsletters

 Here are all the latest newsletters:


Saturday 1st April

10.30-12.30 GMT




Join Amanda for this 2-hour workshop where you'll dive deep into your main characters to really get to know who they are, where they come from, what makes them tick, and what their hopes, dreams, fears and shames are. Knowing this will help you to write characters that leap off the page and really come alive for you and for the reader.


Workshop Leader: Amanda started Retreat West in 2012 and launched Retreat West Books in 2017 (Winner: Most Innovative Publisher 2020 Saboteur Awards). She's been designing and teaching online courses, and live workshops, for many years and has worked as an editor on hundreds of manuscripts. She's the author of two novels, As If I Were A River (2016) and Remember Tomorrow (2019) and is now working on a novella-in-flash and a flash fiction collection. 


Amanda's stories have been widely published; long/shortlisted in the Mslexia Flash Fiction Competition, Fish Flash Fiction Prize, Ink Tears Short Story Prize, Cranked Anvil Short Story Competition, Flash 500 and V300; nominated for Best Small Fictions 2023; and won the Editor’s Choice Prize at 101 Words.






Join Martha for this 2-hour generative workshop to discover how bringing animals into your stories can add new depth and layers.

Join Amanda to discover tools and resources to help you keep a positive mindset when your stories get declined by editors.


We have many more workshops scheduled right up until late June at the moment that can help you develop your craft to write and edit your flash fictions, short stories and novels.


Hi all, it's Gaynor here with your monthly newsletter.


Three months into the new year and I can't decide if it's gone quick or slow. My life is ruled by school holidays and it does seem like we're whizzing toward the summer faster than ever before. I used to meditate every day - I even had a little space in the spare room for it and I think that helped slow down time. Now I struggle to find the time to meditate on top of everything else. I am always juggling freelance work, my zero hours contract, school runs and of course my writing.


In the past, I'll admit, writing has been the first thing to go in times of overwhelm. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, but now that I am trying to treat it in a more 'business like' manner I try and cling on to my writing time wherever I can, even if it means I'm writing at 9pm on a Friday night when I'd much rather be watching something awful on the TV (please don't judge my love of awful reality shows!)


Still, the evenings will soon be getting lighter, the sun will soon be shining more often into the garden, and I know time will seem to stretch out again. I'll just have to cram as much writing in, as and when I can (and then have a lovely long break while I await feedback!).



Happy writing, whatever you are up to this month



Flash Fiction: This month I am sharing Evacuate by Valerie O'Riordan. Be warned before you read that it's a visceral and violent piece. I've always been interested in 'end of the world' narratives, mostly from my love of zombie movies to be honest. What I like about this take on the theme is the huge sense of character that O'Riordan develops, culminating in that stinging final line - "I look at Ma who's wailing and I shout happy now?" It feels pretty realistic within such a genre story to have an unhappy child shout this and I like the mesh and clash of the very serious subject matter, with the tone and voice in this flash. 


Short Story: This month I am sharing the classic chiller Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? By Joyce Carol Oates, which honestly I could talk about for hours, so I'll keep it short here. It's fair to say that my favourite genre of ... well, anything really, could be classed as 'well, this is a nice normal day, oh no it absolutely is NOT' and here we have a shining example. There is some true life background to the story which deepens it for me, there's the symbols on the car, there's the question of whether Arnold is human or not ... and of course, the ultimate question? Why does she agree to go with him at the end? I would love know your thoughts!

Write a story that is centred around a protest 


Write a story that features the taste of overripe fruit 


Write a story that takes place at a puppet show 


Write a story about someone who is trying to work while a pet constantly pesters them (can you guess how I came up with this one?)

As always, if you have some news you'd like to share in our newsletter then do contact me. Please use for any Retreat West communication going forward. And if you can put 'Retreat West News' in the subject bar then that would be extra helpful :) 


Ruth Edwardson won third prize in the monthly short story competition 👏


Amanda Huggins' first full length poetry collection will be out at the end of March with Victorina Press 👏 Amanda also has a new podcast on the Northern Gravy website, talking about poetry, books, Bruce Springsteen and all things writerly. 


Cole Beauchamp has two stories published, you can read them in Janus Literary and Trampset 👏


Helen Kennedy has a short story forthcoming in the new Fly On The Wall Anthology, The Ones Who Flew The Nest. There's a reading and launch at Blackwell's Manchester too (I'll be there!) 👏 Helen also came third in the Oxford Flash Fiction Comp 👏


Iqbal Hussain has won first prize in Writing Magazine’s Grand Flash competition 👏


Sally Curtis has been placed third in the Crazy Cats Theatre Flash competition with ‘If You Want Something Done’  and also third in the Fiction Factory Flash competition with ‘Giraffe Psychology’ 👏

Please do check all deadlines direct at the source if you are interested in any of these opportunities as sometimes things change after I've shared them here!


Our opening lines competition is open until the 26th March 


We have launched a new Flash Mentoring contest - closes end of April 


The Manchester Writing Competition (with a HUGE prize) is now open for entries until 1st September 


Fly on The Wall Press are opening in April for gothic themed short stories - they require you to buy a book in order to submit so of course I have to recommend this one 🙂 or Helen's from our news section above!


Fractured Lit are running a Legends, Myths and Allegories contest, open until April 16th 


Scratch Books are running an 'A4' story competition, closes 30th April 


The Rubery Book Awards are open for submissions until the end of March 


The new Word Factory Political Short Story Award is open for entries (scroll down the page to find the info) 


Also - Debbi Voisey is hosting a 'writers reading' event on the 16th via zoom, 7pm-9pm, including featured writer Nod Ghosh 


Good luck, and happy writing!



Welcome to the March monthly writing news about all that's been happening and is coming up at Retreat West!


We hope you're finding time and inspiration for your writing! There's lots of opportunities to get writing with our latest workshops, courses and competitions.


The last ever Quarterly Flash winners have been announced - congratulations to the winners! We loved running this comp over the past 7 years but are excited to have replaced it with our new online journal, WestWord. The first edition from open submissions is coming next month and we can't wait to bring you the following brilliant stories!



Submissions for the next edition will be open for the month of May and there's no theme this time around. Send us your best micros, flashes and short stories

There are just a few spaces left on Amanda's latest Fantastic Flashing course starting on 20th March and only 2 on her brand new Short Story Summer course.


We've launched a brand new competition to win mentoring to develop your flash fiction writing; we've decided to run the Christmas Advent comp again as it was so much fun last year (opens next month); and we've decided on the longlist for the First Chapter competition. The shortlist decision is proving very hard indeed to make and we have been debating for a while now! We are so impressed by the amazing novels being written.


With love,

Amanda and Gaynor x



There are only 2 spaces left on this course!

In this 6 week Zoom course we'll be looking in depth at a short story each week and you'll be writing one story for detailed feedback from Amanda and the group, as well as getting 5 other prompts to develop new stories from.

Each week this drop-in group looks at different aspects of craft to get you flexing your writerly muscles. Pay what you can afford and no commitment to sign up for a certain amount of sessions.


There are only 5 spaces left on this course!

This 6-week course will get you writing more mindfully to bring new depths to your characters and stories.

Our fourth Online Flash Fest! Just 1 day of flashy fun this time and we have brilliant sessions lined up with Tim Craig, Farhana Kalique, Stephanie Carty and Dan Crawley. It's gonna be fab!

Get published in the online anthology edition of our new journal and win great cash prizes! Deadline for submissions: 25th June 2023




Huge congratulations to the winners of the last ever Quarterly Flash competition! 



Latest Listings

The longlist of the 2023 First Chapter competition is live! We'll be announcing the shortlist later this month. Well done to the writers of these great novels! 


Upcoming Submission Deadlines


The March Monthly Micro Competition has gone live today! You have until Sunday to write your 100-word masterpiece on the theme: SEASON. Info here

The Opening Lines competition has a deadline of 26th March. Send the first 300 words of your novel to win editorial feedback on the full MS. Info here

The Flash Mentoring Contest has a deadline of 30th April. Send your best flash up to 1000 words to win up to 4 months of mentoring. Info here.

The Pitch to Win Contest has a deadline of 8th May. Pitch us the novel you'll write to win a fully-funded place on the Novel Creator Course starting in September 2023. Info here





Lots of great stuff coming up this year and we have workshops scheduled up until June at the moment. With more to be added! They are just £5 or £10 and some are included with our Community Membership. We now also have a multi-pass where you can get 5 classes for the price of 4.


Coming up in March and April we have:



Sat 18th March - 10.00-12.00 GMT

Characters in Conflict with Amanda Saint


Sat 01st April - 10.30-12.30 BST

Creating Characters that Come Alive with Amanda Saint




We have some great courses to help you develop your craft, meet writing pals and get new words on the page.


We now have five email courses available on our Pay What You Can Afford model, all of them starting at just £15.

If you value what we provide for the writing community at Retreat West and can afford to make a donation, please support us so that we can keep on bringing you great writing opportunities. Thank you!






Retreat West | Apt 3735 Chynoweth House Trevissome Park Truro

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