Sunday 26 March 2023

Cleckheaton Writers Group minutes, meeting 20 March 2023

 With thanks to Kathy for kindly taking the minutes:

Present: Karen, Gemma, Kathy, Cassie, Michelle and Neil

Apologies: Alice, Dali and Wendy

Welcome / Attendance

Neil attended tonight, so had an intro between himself and Michelle about writing backgrounds, genres favoured etc.

Minutes of Last meeting

Taken as read.

WIP / Updates

Karen – Since last meeting, Karen has received a rejection from the Eve White agency, applied for Children’s North publishing mentorship, not chosen for #ThrillPit mentorship and taking part in MG Hub pitch and synopsis swaps.

Michelle – has been working on her story ‘Ryan’.  Story is now growing and moving from a short to something more like a novel.  Has brought some feedback.

Neil – Been in a slump writing-wise; and has had to get a new PC after the old one died!  However, has now returned to his old ghost-story to try and get it finished and is using a different viewpoint to help do that.

Cassie – Has been working on a new short, now finished and has brought it for feedback.  It’s psychological in nature.

Gemma – Has been editing.  Reported that she’s been looking at the first 10k, and it feels ‘doable’ now.

Kathy - in terms of writing, nothing of note.  But on Tobias is toying with idea of putting in a chapter devoted to the accident, but unclear on viewpoint and how to handle.  Suggestions discussed how to achieve that (bystander view;  Earle’s’ perspective etc)


NYC Short Story Challenge 2023 opens, Creative Future 10th Writers Award now open: plus paid Writing Masterclasses available, Huddersfield Literature festival events Upcoming Events:Huddersfield Literature Festival ( Wergle Flomp Humor Poem Competition, free to enter, deadline 1aApril 2023, Leeds Library events (see Karen’s blog for information, various competitions as part of the I am Writing Festival in Bristol 19/20 May, deadline 31 March 2023

MOMSWHOWRITE are looking for creative non-fiction, short stories, essay poetry and kids art work for The Future of Us – what we wish someone had told you a decade ago, or give future you some encouragement


Cassie read her psychological story about an Irish man recounting his past to an audience, who after a harrowing violent event in which his faith-based, peace-loving mother was killed, became an IRA member in retaliation.  His activities though, did not assuage his grief.  When he himself was involved in an accident where he felt the presence of his mother willing him to find peace and forgiveness,  it changed his perspective again.  It was a powerful story of how we can all be different people at different stages of our lives, and it is circumstance that make us such.

Michelle read her next excerpt from ‘Ryan’.  It was a touching and funny scene in which Ryan plays truant from school.  When caught out, he uses an excuse about toothache, at which he’s promptly taken forth to the dentist where an unfortunate tooth extraction takes place.  Ryan’s logic and thought process are typical of his age and were very relatable. 

Writing Plans

Not covered as time was up!

 Date of Next Meeting

3 April 2023

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