Monday 5 August 2024

Writing courses with Anna Chilvers

Having just returned from a fantastic Writers Retreat run by Anna and her fellow creative writing tutor Alison Taft (Ali Harper), I thought I would share the information on the courses Anna has coming up:


reTelling Tales (online)

This is a twelve week online course examining and rewriting myths and legends as a way of making sense of the modern world. It will use the online platforms Zoom and Slack, and each participant will get feedback on a piece of work from the tutor. 


Myths and legends are stories people have told throughout time to help us make sense of the world we live in. Some of these ancient tales are as meaningful today as they ever were, but the world is always changing as is our understanding of our place within it, and some of the messages held within these stories might be revisited and examined.  This course invites you to look at mythologies from cultures and religions around the world and discuss their relevance today, as well as using them to help you write new work. Each week will introduce myth systems and themes, and you will be invited to pursue your own particular interests to deepen your knowledge. 


The course will consist of 12 taught sessions on Zoom including discussions, presentations and writing exercises. There will be some reading for each session as well as suggested exercises. There will be a discussion forum on Slack where you will be invited to share work with your peers and discuss the weekly themes. 


At the end of the course you will be invited to submit a piece of work for feedback from the tutor. Each student will have a one-one tutorial in the second half of the course in which they can discuss their plans for this piece of work. 


Sessions will be on Mondays 7pm-9pm, starting Monday 16 September


The cost of the course is £250 (£175 low income)




Write As You Mean To Go On (online)

Do you want to form a regular writing practice but find it hard to prioritise your writing. Would it help to have some support from others?


This series of writing sessions  on Zoom are not lessons – there will be no teaching (although I will start of each session with a seed of an idea to write from if you want it). We will check in each Tuesday evening and write for an hour and a half.


At the beginning of the session you will have the opportunity to tell the group what you are working on, and we will check in with each other at the end to see how it’s gone. Over twelve sessions through the autumn we will support each other as we work towards our goals.


Sessions will be Tuesdays 7pm-8.30pm, starting Tuesday 17 September.


The cost for all sessions is £48 (£36 low income) or £4 per session




The Artist’s Way  (Hebden Bridge in-person)

Are you a writer, artist or musician but you’ve never managed to develop that part of your life? Do you want to be more creative?


This 12 week, in-person course, based on the book by Julia Cameron, will help you to access and express your creativity. The group environment will be supportive, encouraging and nurturing. 


(This is not a writing course but it will involve writing.)


Sessions on Wednesday evenings 7pm-9pm at Hebden Bridge Town Hall,

starting Wednesday 18 September


The cost is £140 (£98 low income)




Writer’s Groups (online)

These feedback groups are for people who are working on their own writing and want some support and feedback from other writers. Each week there will be a writing exercise to do before the class, which will be shared with the group. Group members will be able to share their own work with the group for feedback two or three times during the term. The atmosphere is fun and supportive. It is open to people writing poetry, prose or script, fiction or non-fiction.


Tuesday group at 4pm-5.30pm, starting Tuesday 17 September, 12 weeks

Thursday group at 7.30pm-9pm, starting Thursday 19 September, 12 weeks


The cost for each group is £60 (£42 low income)




Writing Days (Hebden Bridge in-person)


Saturday 21 September

Saturday 23 November


These days will consist of a morning workshop, and an afternoon writing session, finishing with a read around at the end of the day.

The cost for each day is £30.




Anna Chilvers

Falling Through Clouds (2010)

Legging It (2012)

Tainted Love (2016)

East Coast Road (2020)


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