Tuesday 6 August 2024

Cleckheaton Writers Group minutes, meeting Monday 5 August at Cleckheaton Library

Cleckheaton Writers Group (CWG) met last night at Cleckheaton Library with Molly, Dave, Reuben, Kathy and Karen in attendance.

There were no minutes from the previous meeting due to only Kathy and Reuben being in attendance.

WIP updates: Molly has written a short story that is growing longer and some poems which she has sent off to an Instagram poet but has not heard anything back yet. Kathy has written her own greeting in a congratulations on baby boy card. Reuben has written a Vanessa chapter on his WIP which is almost finished. Dave has been on holiday and has written 900 words on location. Karen has taken part in #oneday pitch, on her writing retreat in Scarborough has written new scenes for her TP WIP, the opening scene of the TP sequel, the writers retreat writing challenge and 2 new poems. She has also submitted a full MS on request to Daisy Watt at Harper North, edited 6 chapters of TP, 2 pitches for #smallpitch, has 2 clients to work with on their MSs, had a more work sub request from an agent and secured a contract offer for a three book deal with a London publishing house. 

CW comps/workshops/events: Magma Poetry Pamphlet competition Magma open poetry pamphlet competition 2024 - Magma Poetry and holistic writing class for women* https://nadiacolburn.com/free-holistic-writing-class/   National Poetry Competition that Michelle mentioned.  Submission deadline is 31 October 2024.  1st prize is £5,000, first entry costs £8, subsequent entries are £5.  Any theme. Anna Chilvers writing courses (see pages 3-5 of the agenda email)

Writing plans: Karen will be attending the RNA conference and having three 1-2-1's, undertaking MS appraisal work for a fellow writer and editing her WIP. She may write some on her Christmas Evie sequel as it is almost at first draft. Dave will be getting into gear to get started again, as will Kathy along with work travelling in August. Reuben hopes to finish the Vanessa chapter and maybe start looking at another chapter. Molly will carry on with the story, then edit it once it is finished.

Feedback sessions: Karen shared her poems that she worked on at her recent writers retreat and led a long informative discussion about the editing process. 

Reuben suggested a writing meet up, perhaps at Wetherspoons and will be emailing members in regards to this.

Writing challenge: August theme - Holidays/Mid Summer

Next meeting: Monday 19 August 2024, 5.30pm-7pm at Cleckheaton Library. New members always welcome.

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