Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Cleckheaton Writers Group meeting 2 July 2018

Cleckheaton Writers Group (CWG) took place last night with Mandy, myself, Pauline, Kathy and potential new member Gemma in attendance, Sarah and Neil having passed on their apologies.

We welcomed Gemma and then went around the table discussing our different writing histories, including genres, competition results and books published. Gemma has been writing a novel for approximately 4 years about a runaway bride and mental health. We hope that Gemma enjoyed her first meeting of CWG and wishes to continue attending.

The minutes from the last meeting were passed and then Pauline informed members that all feedback from the contributors to the Cleckheaton Literature Festival anthology had now been received. Two suggested blurbs were read out and it was agreed which bits to pick. We explained the background to the anthology and the Festivals to Gemma.

WIP updates: I have written over 4k words of my current WIP since the last meeting; Kathy has been working on a new story about a writer arrested for murder of his characters as the real-life people have died, then she went back to the Tobias story and wrote a little more on that which she had brought to share for the feedback session; Pauline wrote a short piece about a stone, an extra chapter on her Bickerman story and her romance WIP; Mandy has been promoting her books, written more of her poetry and has been commended in the Bath Flash Fiction Award. Congratulations Mandy.

Kathy and Mandy have also entered the Bridport competition. Fingers crossed.

Feedback session: Kathy had brought along several chapters of her current WIP which she read out to the group. All members thought that Kathy has great skill with dialogue and that her subject matter was powerful. Kathy gave a brief synopsis of what had happened in previous chapters to Gemma and discussed the main and subplots. It was agreed that although Kathy sees this as a novella, there sounds to be enough there to be a novel. We look forward to hearing more of the story.

A writing challenge has been set should any member wish to take part: Write a piece with the following prompt 'If you could kill one person and get away with it, how would you choose?' These stories can then be brought along to the CWG once you feel they are ready to share. 

The next meeting of the CWG will take place on Monday 16 July 5.30pm-7pm and both feedback slots are available. I will be unable to make the next meeting but hope to share the minutes at a later date. At the 16th of July meeting, another potential new member, Katherine Farrar, may be attending for the first time on this date.

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