Tuesday 16 July 2024

Cleckheaton Writers Group minutes, meeting 8 July 2024

With thanks to Kathy for taking the minutes in my absence as I could only join for the last half hour due to a work meeting clash:

Cleckheaton Writers Group

Monday 8 July 2024

Present: Kathy, Barbara, Michelle, David, Ellie, Reuben and Karen

Apologies: Molly and Ivy

Welcome / Attendance

Karen was introduced to Ellie as the official writing group owner. 

Minutes of Last meeting

Taken as read.

Work in Progress

Kathy – Written a poem about childhood, and house/street she grew up in the 60’s.  Brought for feedback.

Michelle – Wrote her poem on the theme of colour grey.  Brought for feedback.

Barbara – Has finished her story on Valetta.  Brought for feedback.

David – Has since visited his friend (Inverness) and spoke with him about his story ‘Done to Death’.  He had done about 30% on this in an alternate version aimed for TV.  His friend said he much preferred this format albeit the partial attempt.  Now is indecisive on whether to crack on (had decided to lay it aside for 6 weeks or so).  Has also written a poem based on our theme for June/July and it’s on elections.  Brought for feedback.

Reuben – Has been busy writing – but for his PhD (priorities, good lad, Reuben).  However, his thoughts are now on (proper) writing, so he’ll sit in front of laptop until inspired.  Has been watching YouTube clips on writing advice – good and bad – so will see if that helps.

Ellie – Has made a good start on the play she outlined last week.

Karen – Has edited her romcom suspense and sent to publisher.  Has also sent to Creative Roots Agency, three pieces of work for review - her picture books ‘My Grandma is a Vampire’, ‘Tip Top Dog, Flip Flop Frog’ and ‘The Devil’s in the Doe Balls’.  Has made pitches for her ‘Thorde’, middle grade fantasy book and ‘Halflands’ YA fantasy.  Thinks it will take a few weeks for any response.  Oh – and has written a poem which she has brought for feedback. 

Competitions / Festivals /Other

Nothing new to note.

Writing Plans

Ellie – Wants to get to 1st draft on her story.  Thinks it will be approx. 10 pages.

Reuben – Is in the middle of a chapter on Justine and wants to get that finished, plus has another chapter planned for her, so may also get that down whilst in his head.  Possibly as well, he has another chapter in mind.  These aren’t chronologically written – it’s just whatever he needs to put down.  Wants to make some edits to Chapters 2 and 3 but will leave those for now.

David – Has had an about-turn – as mentioned earlier - so will revisit ‘Done to Death’.  The TV inspired version will move/flip in two different ages in time, as opposed to the storybook version of conversation between grandfather and grandson. Mentioned the title was spawned in Parliament when this incident was first brought to public attention.

Michelle – Will write a poem on the blue butterfly she saw in Australia while white water rafting.  Has learned it is called a Ulysses.  In addition, in keeping with the June/July theme, she’s thinking of writing a funny poem set at a festival, which is based on a real-life comic event/experience.

Barbara – Going to have a think about something new, perhaps based around the theme of generations (a new baby in the family is expected…).

Kathy – As last time - Try more editing changes on Tobias, consider writing fresh for Book Puppet.

Karen – To pitch for #OneDay2024 and more editing. Hopes to start something new as part of a FB challenge with Books and Prosecco, especially as she is attending a Writers Retreat 21-27 July.


Michelle – Untitled, but theme on colour grey and was around broken relationships, in particular marriage.  Had a melancholic tone and discussion followed how these things can disintegrate, become bland etc.  Interesting because - traditionally - marriages start black and white (i.e. groom and bride attire) but together can colour grey.

David – Untitled (I think) on politics. Comedic piece with general focus on the overall topic, but mentioning the parties and the fact author & Co viewed the whole thing as having to vote (if one must) for the best of a thoroughly bad bunch.  A good inclusion for our anthology as the topic is rarely covered.

Barbara – ‘Valetta’.  Brought everyone up to speed on story to date, then read the finish to this.  Valetta’s friend comes to stay, and we (I) thought the story was taking a dark turn – but it was the ‘arrival’ of a small helpless kitten that made her realise she had – and could take care of herself.  Discussion on whether the story could be lengthened – or even shortened and pitched as a 5 or 10 minute read as a ‘feel-good, happy ending after overcoming change of circumstances’ piece – for a magazine?

Kathy – Untitled again (bit of a theme going on, here folks).  Pam Ayres style ode on growing up and referencing sweets and games of the time etc, and sibling relationships.

Karen – The Lighthouse.  Quite a soulful piece with the lighthouse being the metaphor for broken promises.  Felt ‘weighty’ and something worth hearing hearing a few times to capture everything.  Suggested it’s fed back next meeting – especially for Molly’s benefit as the member of the group who writes very much in this evocative style.

Writing Challenge for June / July

Elections (if inspired, still) and festivals – as we’re moving into July..

Any other Business

Book signing! – Karen very kindly signed Kathy’s copy of Christmas Evie (available at all good bookshops).  Whoop-whoop!

Meeting closed: DONM: 22 July 2024

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