Monday 9 September 2024

Blue Pencil Agency Events

 Detailing the events for Autumn:


Live, Online Autumn Events
We can't wait to see you there!


September 19: Psychic Distance

In this practical session we’ll start by looking at how psychic distance – often called narrative distance – works and explore different ways to use this new literary tool.

October 8: Q&A with Pitch Prize Judge

Live Q & A session with our 2024 Pitch Prize judge, literary agent Katie Greenstreet from the Paper Literary Agency. If you are considering submitting to the Pitch Prize or indeed submitting to any agent or competition, Katie will offer insight into what she is looking for and tips on how to make your submission stand out.

October 24: Turning Research into Storytelling

We will start by thinking about the relationship between imagination and research, and then dig into ways to make sure you root your story in real material without getting too swamped by the historical facts. We will explore the research process, planning, writing process and writing techniques that will help your story come alive.

November 28: Revising & Editing

The most important stage of writing is actually rewriting. You should acquire plenty of tips for diagnosing problems, tools for solving them, and ideas on how to set about the revising process. Attendees are invited to send in questions about their own drafts ahead of time, by November 22. 

If you are unable to attend the live event, pay via the website and send us a message requesting a link to the recording. 












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