Wednesday 9 November 2011

Writer's Block

Well, I had hardly any time to do any writing today and was hit by 'the block.'  I ended up starting a new chapter where I put my leads together for the first time, but I am positive that once the NaNoWriMo challenge is over, I will be deleting the lot - or at least editing the heck out of it.  Adding what I managed to do today, I am at 17,052 but not looking forward to trying to do the wordage again tomorrow.  Fingers crossed that my muse returns....

On a happier note, I checked out some fellow writers (and followers) blogs today and really enjoyed them - and not just because it was a distraction from getting my writing done!  Welcome Maggie and Leah to my blog and if anyone wants to check out their blogs too, you can find them at and  I would also like to welcome Sarah Elizabeth Baethge and Doreenb8 (two more new followers) and I hope that you are all enjoying my blog/writing.  Feel free to comment any time if you read anything you like or you find useful.

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