Tuesday, 8 November 2011

NaNoWriMo first week

I have just finished writing my latest chapter of my novel for this challenge and am now at 15,395 words.  My average per day is fluctuating, but I am still on target.  Found it harder this last couple of days to do the required number and hope that this is not going to last as next week I have work all day, so I may struggle to write the required 'wordage' on a night.  I am having a bit of a block now I have got to the point that my romantic leads need to be 'together' and think that this is what is slowing me down.  Think I will need all the encouragment I can get from my fellow writers, NaNoWriMos and blog followers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen, Thanks for the visit to my blog and the link back here, You are doing fabulously with the NaNo, wow over 15M woohoo.. go for it. I can't wait to buy your novel at the book store.
