The deadline for the Children's/YA competition has been extended to 21 September:
Did you spot our deadline shift? Because of yesterday's bank
holiday, we've kicked the 2022 Mslexia Fiction Competition closing
date back until tomorrow – giving you an extra day to apply a final
spit and polish to those potentially prize-winning entries. The
deadline is now midnight
on 21 September!
If you somehow missed our banshee shrieking, none other than
Cressida Cowell is judging this year's Children's Novel Competition.
Yup, Children's Laureate Cressida Cowell. Multi-million-selling
author of How
To Train Your Dragon Cressida Cowell. Alongside
her co-judges of lit agent Chloe Seager (Madeleine Milburn Literary
Agency) and critic Imogen Russell Williams, Cressida is poised and
ready to read your children's/YA manuscript!
With the winner nabbing £5,000
as well as manuscript feedback, pitch training AND agent/editor
intros at a private party in London, this really is
one of the most prestigious children's novel competitions in the
world. Simply put, it's where stars are born.
And just a reminder – we'll only need your first 3,000 words up
front, and won't call in the full manuscripts until February 2023.
So if you don't have a finished novel on your hands just yet,
there's still plenty of time. All we need is to be swept away on
your opening chapters...
There are also categories for short stories
and flash fiction,
judged by esteemed writers Diana Evans and Audrey Niven
respectively, making the Mslexia Fiction Competition 2022
total prize
pot worth over £10,000.
More details on each category – plus links to enter – can be found
Go, go, go!
Judged by Cressida Cowell, Chloe Seager and Imogen
Russell Williams, this competition is open to unpublished novels of
at least 20,000 words in any genre for children and/or young
Entry fee: £26
1st prize:
£5,000 + agent/editor introductions
21 Sep
Enter here
Judged by Diana Evans, this competition is for
unpublished complete short fiction of up to 3,000 words in any
genre and on any theme.
Entry fee: £12
1st prize:
£3,000 + anthology publication
21 Sep
Enter here
Judged by Audrey Niven, this competition is for
unpublished complete flash fiction of up to 300 words in any genre
and on any theme.
Entry fee: £6
1st prize:
£500 + anthology publication
21 Sep
Enter here

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