Tuesday 17 September 2019

Cleckheaton Writers Group minutes, meetings 16 September and 2 September 2019

Cleckheaton Writers Group (CWG) meeting took place last night where Pauline, Mandy, Gemma, Sam, Kathy and Karen where in attendance, Alice, Cassie, Sarah and Mark having passed on their apologies. Karen informed members that sadly Sarah has passed on her apologies for the CWG for the foreseeable future. We hope that her circumstances change soon and that we can welcome her back again.

The minutes of the last meeting were passed (see below in bold for the minutes from the 2nd of September meeting).

WIP updates: Karen has completed editing her romantic suspense MS following beta reader feedback and submitted it to the RNA NWS. She also edited the first three chapters of her crime novel and submitted it to both the ZA Agency and the David Higham Open Day. Also, she's written some new chapters on her current WIP Digital Heroin which she hopes to get to first draft by the end of October. Sam has written two chapters of his WIP and edited chapter two. Pauline and Kathy have not written since the last meeting. Mandy has been editing all her work - the third draft of a novella which she has given to her publisher, her short story and poetry collections, plus she has written a new travel article for the Bradt travel writing competition. Gemma has written the minutes from the last CWG and been thinking about editing her first book. She has bought two books to help with this.

Feedback sessions: Sam brought along two chapters of his WIP. He started with a recap of what he has shared so far for those members who were not in attendance when he shared chapter one, then shared chapter 2 A Pompous Fellow. It was well received and some editing points were highlighted, such as tagging. He then shared chapter 2 A Challengers Voyage which was very funny. Karen suggested that if the swearing was a 'thing' for the Hubble's in his story, it might be great world-building to come up with his own Hubble swearwords. This could also have the added benefit of appealing to younger readers, therefore widening his reading audience potential. We look forward to hearing more.

CW comps/workshops/events: Pauline informed members that the 2020 Competition Guide is available in the current edition of Writers Magazine. Most are in the U.S. and she has noticed that the costs of the fee'd ones have risen. Kathy told members about a Countryfile competiton looking for poems from your region entitled Places of Poetry. Details can be found at placesofpoetry.org.uk.

The next meeting will take place on Monday 30 September at 5.30-7pm at Cleckheaton Library. Karen and Pauline passed on their apologies as they will be unable to attend. 

Minutes of CWG meeting 2 September 2019

Present: Loretta, Alice, Mark, Kath, Gemma

Previous minutes passed

Everyone introduced themselves to new member Loretta, stating what they write. Loretta writes short stories and poems, writes for fun and enters competitions. 

Alice - has finished editing, has cut 20k words, started on a sequel. Is planning it and needs character names.
Gemma - has written 2.5k words of book 2.
Mark - has written a chapter and part of another, now at 80k and roughly halfway through. Reread novel and ditched some subplots. 
Kath - has been away. Had idea for story about a grave. Needs to tidy up Tobias and sense check. It's currently at approx 35k words.

Alice read out end of chapter 2. Included detailed description of time travel, the group felt it was a good explanation. 

Mslexia Novel award, 2 crime events (links below)

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