Monday 18 February 2013

Cleckheaton Writers Group (CWG)

Attended CMG this evening with P and D (sadly the others could not make it) and we mostly dealt with the dialogue and characterisation workshops D and I had attended thanks to Michael Stewart at the University of Huddersfield.  As I have previously posted on the dialogue workshop I attended, I thought I would put a few details down of the characterisation workshop for my followers.

To find a character there are five methods:

1) Autobiographical method
To use yourself or aspects of yourself, but also get away from yourself too to make a rounded character.

2) Biographical method
Base your character on someone you know, but not so much so that they can recognise themselves.

3) Invent from scratch
Use a setting, an object or a profession and imagine what character traits this person would have if they were in this setting/owned this object/worked at that job.

4) Combination
Use aspects of yourself and of some people you know to create an original character - observe others for traits.

5) Stock characters
Use stock characters like the village gossip, jolly barmaid etc. but try to subvert them somehow so that they are not too obvious.

We also discussed the writing we are working on at the moment, including the fifth draft of D's manuscript and she shared the prologue with us.

I mentioned that I had entered three competitions with short stories and I may share one or two of them at the next meeting.

The next meeting is Monday the 4th of March, 6-8pm at Cleckheaton Library.  New members always welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen,

    I really enjoyed our meeting. You were right about the Jeffrey Archer contest. I had misread the rules about entrants novel should be 'completed' although I honestly don't remember seeing the words 'novel in progress.' I really must get some new reading glasses! There is, however, a "waiver" rule which I don't agree with in the OWNERSHIP OF ENTRY rule:

    "...Submission of the Entry is a waiver of any right to inspect or approve the use of the Entry, as well as a waiver of any “moral rights” or right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the Entry." Unless I've misunderstood that rule too.

    I have posted off my application for the Leeds Trinity University Festival on the 13th March and opted for the same workshops as you. Hope I'm in time to secure a place.

    Have a good week and see you at our next meeting on the 4th March.
